Monday, June 15, 2009


As the State of Ohio considers its new budget, it is up to you to communicate the importance of the arts to your representatives in the State House. With the proposed reductions to the Ohio Arts Council, all arts organizations will see drastic reductions to these dollars (possibly up to 50% or more) which increases the responsibility of securing replacement funds on the shoulders of the Trustees and Staff of the individual organizations.

Take the time to go to the Ohio Citizens for the Arts website and use their easy to use format and talking points to email or send a print letter to your representative.

Once you get to their website do the following; Type in your zipcode. Scroll down to the “Take Action” link entitled Ohio Citizens Must Act Now to Support the Arts The rest of the process is very user friendly and takes LESS THAN 2 MINUTES to complete.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tremont ArtWalk FRIDAY JUNE 12th

Tremont ArtWalk's this Friday. Larry Zuzik, and Tim Herron are featured in the drawing show at Asterisk. Their crew will be drawing at The Lit after 9PM, and jazz combo Martini 5-O will be holding court at Prosperity. Join us, if you dare...

New Exhibitions this month include:

The Drawing Show at Asterisk Gallery (2393 Professor Ave),

Can a Sculptor Paint? work by Melanie Newman at doubting Thomas (858 Jefferson Ave.)

Curve Sets [information art] work by Jayce Renner at Brandt Gallery (1028 Kenilworth)

Jack Valentine Pottery and work by Chuck Wimmer and much more at Eye Candy Gallery (2173 Professor Ave.)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Parade The Circle This Saturday

The 20th Annual Parade the Circle Celebration will take place this Saturday, June 13th.

Bring the family to University Circle to enjoy a free celebration of the creative spirit. Festivities begin at 11AM, parade at noon and entertainment, food and activities for the whole family in Circle Village until 4PM.

THIS FREE COMMUNITY ARTS PARADE is presented annually by the Cleveland Museum of Art. International and national guest artists join Greater Cleveland artists, families, schools and community groups in a spectacular display of bright costumes, giant puppets, stilt-dancers, handmade masks and colorful floats.

For more details, see the Parade the Circle.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A Nicolas sighting!

Smooth Mike Chipchak was in LA last week and had lunch at Dreamworks with Nicolas Weis. 'He told me to tell everyone in the Murray Hill group he said hello.'

Sunday, June 07, 2009

'Drawn and Quartered' a hit! Read a review.

Drawn and Quartered was an unqualified success!! CONGRATS to Deb Steytler, Adam Pate, Roby MacDougall, Larry Zuzik, Jeff Suntala, Jack Flotte and the rest of the crew for making it such an event. But don't take my word for it; read this stirring account from

Drawn and Quartered: a drawing battle royale at Asterisk Gallery

Competitive drawing.
Models and waitresses.
Prizes for the best drawings.

That's all you need to know.

Four of Cleveland's established drawing groups went head to head on June 6th at Asterisk Gallery. Dr. Sketchy vs The Murray Hill Group vs Tremont’s Pretentious Artists vs The Northern Ohio Illustrators Society. Bring it on!
Read More

SPECIAL THANKS to the models (S.A.F.M.O.D's Hope and Marta, Nikki, Jordan and Danielle), gallery owner Dana, our wait staff—the lovely Carmen and the lovely Tony—and EVERYONE that came out to support us. It IS appreciated!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Art Event: Drawn and Quartered Sat. 6.6 @7PM

Figure drawing as a spectator sport? It's never been tried but on Saturday, June 6th, 2009 at the Asterisk Gallery in Tremont, four established figure and drawing groups will meet up and draw against time and each other for the amusement of an engaged audience. Costumed models and dancers will be drawn live by competitive artists vying for praise and prizes. The disciplines will range from quick gestures to a 90-minute portrait (run concurrently.)

Groups planning on participating include Dr. Sketchy, The Murray Hill Group, Tremont’s Pretentious Artists of the Literary Cafe and N.O.I.S.
(The Northern Ohio Illustrators Society.)

The public is invited to witness this first-ever event and will be encouraged to comment and/or join in. Finished artwork will be available for purchase during and after the event.

Refreshments, music, and drawing materials for the inspired will be provided.

June 6, 2009 7PM
Asterisk Gallery
2393 Professor Street

Contact Dana DePew at Asterisk Gallery for more info:
Facebook: Asterisk Gallery

Murray Hill Art Walk this weekend

The three-day Little Italy June Art Walk today through Sunday is getting a value-added Little Italy Street Festival from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. The festival will be complete with jugglers, music and face painting. Sample some of the good wines available in the neighborhood on Mayfield Road.

More than 30 galleries, studios & boutiques present handmade works by regional, national, and internationally known artists.

Be sure to stop by our home base, the Tricia Kaman Studio, #202 in the Schoolhouse.

The Little Italy June Art Walk is on Mayfield Road between Random Road and East 126th Street

The Schoolhouse
2026 Murray Hill Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44120

Friday, June 05, 2009

Asterisk Gallery Presents: "the drawing show"

Asterisk Gallery Proudly Presents: “the drawing show”
curated by Dana L. Depew

Opening reception Friday June 5th
Show runs through June 26

draw•ing (drĂ´ ng)
1. The act or an instance of drawing.
2. a. The art of representing objects or forms on a surface chiefly by means of lines.
2. b. A work produced by this art.

a visual exploration into the concept and process of drawing.

Featuring works by: Julie Friedman, Tim Herron, Ron Johnston, Mark Keffer, Tom Kochheiser, Peter Green, Jacob Wesley Lang, Michael Loderstedt, Liz Maugans, Brian Pierce, Darice Polo, Scott Radke, David Simmerer, Sarah Sutton and Larry Zuzik

Opening reception Friday June 5, 6 – 11pm
Show runs through June 26
Hrs by appt
2393 Professor Ave. in historic Tremont